Candice arrived at full gallop!

10 Apr 2017 admin In Uncategorized, Wedding Previews


Candice was adamant to make her grand entrance to her wedding on horseback. Not even a frantic call from the coordinator, informing her that the rain and misty weather made the animal “hot” and that it might not be such a good idea. She was adamant and she entered on horseback at full gallop. She was evidently a very good rider and handled the situation like a pro!

Needles to say that I probably got my best wedding capture ever in the process. Thank you Candice! I am so exited about this shot.

This is what she had to say:

You did so well with this photo of me. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. Your work is amazing!!

That is the exact shot I was looking for. Thanks Deon, so chuffed!

Candice Rannachan





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