Fun Powder Portrait session | Photography Project
  If you are interested in a bright, vibrant, beautifully colored portrait session, this one’s for you. It is a great way to mix things up and really capture some fun!  All you need is a fun loving couple like Christa and Ernst, lots of brightly coloured powder and two Speedlights.   Tips for a successful powder session:   You need powder that is environmentally friendly.  Follow this link to view a video that will show you how to manufacture your own using starch and food colouring. Pick a location that will be colour mess friendly, haha, although it will all wash away with the first rain. Keep the colours separated in clear plastic bags or containers, so that you know which ones you want to use next. Wear light coloured clothes, preferably white, so that the colours will pop during the shoot. Once you start throwing the powder, there is no turning back!  Don’t smear it, throw it. It looks better in the pictures that way. Start with small amounts of powder and then go big, although our couple went for gold from the word go! Go for it, don’t be scared at all and have fun!  The lighting setup:     We used a very basic […]
27 May 2015 in Behind the scenes, by
Water Splash effect
This tutorial is a fun weekend project. My intention is to spark your imagination, hone your photographic and lighting skills and for you to get some great shots for your portfolio. With all the long weekends during April, I decided to put this tutorial together. This is a typical college project, where you will be able to get fantastic results with minimum input.   Step 1  GEAR Your digital camera set at manual F 8, Shutter 1/160 ISo 400 and set on raw. Tripod. Two Speedlights set on manual and its lowest power setting. Some form of stand or support for the two speed lights. One sender and two receivers to trigger your flash system. A black and/or white background. Project board from the local  stationery supply store will be sufficient. A fish tank. 60 x 32 x 32 cm’s will be sufficient,  filled up to about 75% with water. A small piece of duct tape. Two plastic bags, to cover your speed lights. There will be a lot of splashing. Things to drop into the water. I used papers and a lemon, got excited and even used a camera. Open up the imagination on this one. A very dark location, and if this is impossible, you will have to do this […]
09 Apr 2015 in Behind the scenes, by
Mia Photoshoot – behind the scenes
  This is what it looks like behind the scenes to create a stunning conceptual portrait. Make-up was done by Maralize brezler van Wyk, hair was done by Stacey Swanepoel and our model was Mia Erdman. It is always a team effort to create these portraits and at SA model services we pride ourselves in using world class artists.      
20 Oct 2014 in Behind the scenes, by
Ancel – Behind the scenes
We were booked to do a full day portfolio shoot for Ancel. She is a beautiful model that I have worked with before and I enjoy her unique look. She is particularly good at conceptual work and Jonice, our make-up artist and stylist for the day, decided to push the shoot in that direction. She designed four different concepts of which we managed to get at least three different looks out of each. Without Jonice this shoot would not have been the success that it was. I have posted a behind the scenes picture whilst we were working on one of the concepts. I will post the final images soon.   As promised the final result. All credit to Ancel Morgenroodt our model and Jonice de Villiers our make-up artist, hair stylist and stylist.      
14 Oct 2014 in Behind the scenes, by